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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools

UNIX plot (3) subroutines

Certified Scientific Software

Certified Scientific Software's UNIX plot (3) package providesprogrammers with the subroutines needed to access VGA, EGA, CGA, andHercules graphics adapters. The subroutine library includes the standardUNIX OS plot (3) subroutines (openpl, closepl, erase, space, label, line,circle, arc, point, linemod, move) plus many enhancements. Enhancementsinclude patterned fills of circles, rectangles, and arbitrary polygons;bitmap copies; two fonts (8 x 8 and 8 x 16 pixel); clipping windows; fivepixel-write modes, including bit-set, bit-clear, and exclusive-or;selectable drawing color, background color, and color palette in colormodes. Double buffering is supported using the two graphics pagesavailable on Hercules, CGA, and EGA adapters, making animation effectspossible.The subroutines use only integer code, so they will run efficientlywhether or not floating-point hardware is installed. Since a singlebinary supports all four graphics adapters, a program need be compiledonly once to work with whatever adapter is in use at runtime. EnhancedVGA modes with resolutions up to 600 x 800 are supported.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems:

Certified Scientific Software
PO Box 390640 34 Fairmont Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 576-1610
        (312) 247-2442
Fax: (617) 497-4242